Washington 25, D.C.
April 15, 1952

Mr. M, W. Boyer
General Manager

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission

1901 Constitution Avenue
Washington 25, D. ©.
Dear Mr. Boyer:

The Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine at its mecting

held on April 4 and 5 learned with mich regret that Dr. Shieids

Warren has found it necessary to resign as Director of the Division
of Biology and Medicine effective June 30, 1952.

It is my understanding that Dr. Warren has advised you thst
Dr. Ernest Goodpasture will be retiring from the committee on
June 30, 1952. In seeking a replacement for Dr. Goodpasture, it
was agreed unanimously that Dr, Warren should be asked to serve
on the committee. The matter has been discussed with Dr, Warren
and he has consented to accept a place on the committce if the
Commission so desires,
I therefore am transmitting the recommendation of the Committec

that Dr, Warren be appointed a mombcr of the Advisory Committce

for Biology and Medicine at the termination cf his present
appointment as Director of the Division of Biology and Medicine,
or on July 1, 1952.
Sincerely yours,

/s/ Alan Gregg
Alan Gregg

Chairman, Advisory Committce

for Biology and Medicine



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