

In the population of Utirik (158 persons, all ages) followed for
21 years, the accumulated person-years of observation are estimated at

3140. In such a group, expection of thyroid cancer would be as follows:


Based on an average for all registries listed in Cancer
Incidence on Five Continents! (2.5/100,000 per year):


.08 cases, upper 95% confidence limit .66


Based on incidence rates in the Marshal Islands, (dates),

excluding cases in exposed individuals (2.0/100,000 per year):

.06 cases, upper 95% confidence limit 54


Based on estimates of the risk per rad thyroid dose per year


observed in Rongelap and Ailingnae combined (3.9/1,000,000/
rad/year, Tperson-yoars-at—risk-est-Si4O] thyroid dose 50 rads )=
157,000 person-~rad-years):
-61 cases, upper 95% confidence limit 2.17


The occurrence of even 1 case of thyroid cancer in Utirik is
unlikely to be due to chance at conventional Levels of statis-

tical significance - if the rates do not exceed normal
population rates. The occurrence of 2 cases by chance is extremely



The observed number of thyroid cancers is higher than would be
expected on the basis of experience in the exposed populations
of Rvand A, but does not exceed the upper 95% confidence limit
of the expected value.



In computing expected valucs, no account has becn taken of age

sex differences between populations. The incorporation of

adjustments for these factors is unlikely to change the above


Usk g


Select target paragraph3