

A Series of News Articles

- A series of rather short but carefully developed

and programmed news articles
available in the islands.

could be provided for those newspaper publications

This would appear to be a technique for presenting

small amounts of information

at a time over a relatively long time period to

build up a good knowledge of radiation
tages are the limited distribution

and radiation effects.

The disadvan-

of the newspapers and the unknown attention

such a series of articles would command among the population.

Handout Bulletins - A series of 4-8 page handout bulletins could be prepared
along the same lines as would be used for the newspaper articles.
the bulletin independent

of any other publication;

at various public gathering
Delivering the bulletins
require good coordination
and carefully prepared,

they could be made available

places and a large distribution

to the widely
and planning.

By printing

could be attained.

dispersed distribution

points would

If the bulletins are well illustrated

they could provide an important mechanism for informa-

tion transfer and could be repeated
critical radiation and radiation


to provide reinforcement

effects knowledge.

Perhaps some 10


Select target paragraph3