end of Lnewetak Istand, mnetuding the right of use and occupancy of 7.76
acres, more or less, of land and the buildings and facilities thereon

occupied by the station.

This area is shown in red on the attached map.

Further specific rights granted for purposes of operating, maintaining,
and servicing the Loran A Station are as follows:

use in common with others af the landing field, for arrival and departure
of personnel, supplies, and equipment.

(2) Rights of access to the atoll by water, including the
right to anchor, and joint use in common with others of the docks

(Buildings 140 and 142) for docking vessels.
(3) Land access, both pedestrian and vehicular, in common
with others, between the station and other parts of Enewetak Island.
Land access also includes rights of way for electric power Yines and fresh
water lines.
(4) The right to billet personne] in appropriate dormitories
and to maintain and utilize dining facilities.


Rights as determined necessary by the Eneray Research and

. Development
. Administration to

perform its responsibility ¥ for the longterm

radiolagical surveillance of Enewetak Atoll.

This resnonsibility requires

a variety of research and monitoring operations on the atoll.

The followina

use and occupancy rights are examples of those granted to the United States

to conduct these operations:

The right of scientific teams ta conduct research and

monitoring activities.


Rights of access to the atol] by air, including joint use

of the landing field, for arrival and departure of personnel, supplies, and


Rights of access to the atoll by water, including the

right to anchor and joint use of docking facilities.


The right to use and occuny the currently utilized marine

‘ Jaboratory (Building 603) on Enewetak Island and/or other appropriate

' facilities.


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(1) Rights of access to the atoll by air, including joint

Select target paragraph3