On March 1, 1954, human beings were accidentally exposed to radiation
from fallout,

Approximately five hours or longer after the detonation, the

fallout commenced,

Marshallese and Americans were involved.

The exposed

individuals consisted of four groups, depending on location:


68 Marshallese




28 Americans



175 r.
78 #

159 Marshallese




(Make a slide)
The task force did not have a bio-medical program, and as soon as possible,
a medical team and eqhipment was assembled between the Naval Medical Research

Institute and the U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, and transported
to the field commencing studies on the ninth post-exposure day.


care and study was provided by the Medical Department, U.S. Naval Station,
Kwajalein, to which all exposed people had been evacuated,

On Rongelap, and

to a lesser extent, on Ailinginae, the fallout was visible and was described
as a light snowfall.
coral, coated with FP.

The material consisted of flakes of CaO, incinerated
The material clung to skin, clothes, vegetation and

buildings, thus producing a large planar source of gamma radiation and multiple small sources of 8 radiation when in contact with the skin,
minate amounts of the material were inhaled and ingested.


The overall

result was the production of relatively uniform whole body irradiation,
spotty 6 irradiation of the skin of varying degree, and the internal
deposition of some radionuclides.

I shall describe the exposure conditions,

the general symptomatology and management, and others will amplify on the
problems of hematologic changes, cutaneous lesions and internal deposition,

Select target paragraph3