(| 51 3
Mr. Demis J. Doolin
Deputy Assistant Secretary (East

Asia and Pacific Affairs)

Departaent of Defense
Washington, D. C. 20302

ie. Stanley 5, Carpenter
Deputy Assistent Secretary for
Territorial Affairs
Departmen t of the Interior
Washington, D. C. 20243

The purpose of this letter is to apprise you of our intentions
Yelating to the AEC survey, data analysis, and report of the radiological conditions on Eniwetok Atoll. I would also like
te advise you of a possible format for the forthcoming AEC
recommendations concerning cleanup end rehabilitation of
Enclosure 1 is the schedule of major AEC milestones. The
Radiological Survey Report will be prepared in draft fers
on or before Septesber 1, 1973, for use in developing AEC
recommendations for cleanup and rehabilitation. These
recommendations will be forwarded to the Commission for
approval by Novesber 1, 1973. Wa will transmit approved.
recommendations to you as soon as they are available.
The current status of the sample analysis data reduction
program, which is part of the overall AEC radlological
survey, is shown in graphical fora in Enclesure 2, For
Fiscal Year 1975, the ALC will expend approximately
$1.3 million on this survey effort. The data reduction
work will continue into Fiscal Year 1974 prior to
publication of the survey report.
REPOSITORY Dee H istorgDivision




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