It was suggested that one of the observer-physicians be a Japanese,

preferably Dr. Ezaki, a second to be selected by the Surgeon General of
the U.S, Public Health Service, and a third to be recommended by the
World Health Organization.

Thus the High Commissioner of the Trust

Territory acting for the Chairman of the Committee has invited Drs. H.
Ezaki and T. Kumatori, identified above; Dr. William Cole, Bureau of
Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, was selected by Dr.
Jesse Steinfeld, SG/USPHS; and Dr. E. E. Pochin, 0.B.E., Director of the
Medical Research Council's Clinical Research Unit, University College
Medical School, London, recommended by Dr. M. G. Candau, Director

General of the World Health Organization, Geneva.

Dr. Pochin is prob-

ably the world's foremost authority on radiation effects on the thyroid

of man.
The Special Joint Committee, the Marshallese Congressmen, and the
President of the Micronesian Congress have severally and individually
stated through the High Commissioner that there will be no interference
with a complete medical survey of the exposed and control people; in
fact, they will assist where possible.

Thus, as of this point every-

thing seems in order for a successful expedition which is scheduled for
September 7 through 27, 1972, embarking from and returning to Kwajalein.
The Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research (DEER) has

cooperated closely with the Territorial Offices of the Department of
Interior on this matter, exchanging information and messages and is

able to provide much more detailed information should it be desired.

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