AC BE ae tel atin —_ Ze-\ / por OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED p- BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION _— Revised on 9/15/78 to reflect change on page 2 ce: ea POST OFFICE BOX Xx WA 4 | J. W. Healy H. 1978 Hollister R. O. McClellan wer. W. Dr. William J. Bair Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Battelle Boulevard Richland, C. W. Francis R. O. Gilbert OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 September 13, J. A. Auxier oP. L. MeCraw Templeton R. C. Thompson B. W. Wachholz . 99352 Dear or. Sgll | Below are comments on draft material on Enewetak visit that I received from you on 5 September. Please excuse the delay in response. Actually I have little to add to your summary, in considerable detail on 23 August at Enewetak. as items were discussed . 1. Aomon Crypt-~We simply do not have enough information about. the Aomon Crypt to offer any useful guidance to the joint task group at this time. TI suspect that no decision needs to be made now because T believe the overriding potential radiological problem after the TRU clean-up will be from fission products on parts of the Atoll that will require some remedial or surveillance action after the current JTG effort is completed. At present T cannot see much sense in moving unknown quantities of material from one hole to another. 2. Preciseness of clean-up guidance--The JTG should use the provided guidance as a goal realizing that the measurements used in determining contamination and subsequent soil removal techniques are not without error. I would hope that no one would be overly concerned about oceasional 10%-or so errors should they occur. 3. Hot Spots--I would suggest that common sense be used and that our committee not attempt to develop hot spot guidance. &. Piowing--We need the experimental data analysis before we can offer meaningful advice. TI believe the results will suggest that a single plowing will remove surface contamination to lower Jevels but repeated plowing will cause a general mixing down to plow depth. Thus plowing or frequency of plowing will depend on Jand use. 5. Averapging--Remedial action is based upon maximum values, but, I would expect that radiological dose assessment must be based on larger environmental units such as an entire island or perhaps proups of islands. Thus the answer depends on the Function to be performed. MS 5005203