AllenW. Mathies, M.D.

Hugh S. Pratt, M.D.



17 August 1979

Page Three

these ideas with the senior administrators of both BNL and the Department
of Energy and they have indicated a sincere interest in further |

exploration of such an affiliation.

You realize of course that the

further development of these plans is contingent upon approval by the

Department of Energy and adequate funding from Congress.

All indications

that we have at the present time encourage us to believe that both DOE
and Congress would support such. a concept. I am in frequent contact with

Bruce Wachholz,.Ph.D., who is the DOE coordinator for all Marshall Island
programs, and will send a copy of this.letter to Bruce.
The next move
is obviously up to the DOE the funding authorities to clear the

way for all the plans we have outlined. I certainly hope that such an
affiliation can be established.. I think it would be tremendously productive
for both institutions.

Thanks again for your warm reception and hospitality.

are locking forward to seeing you again in California.

Susan and I


Hugh S. Pratt, M.D.
Principal Investigator, —
Marshall Islands Programs
Brookhaven National Laboratory


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