wd 3 tA * ree & 401 OCT 16 1978 Major General S. C. Meyer Commanding General Ballistic Missile Defense Command Attn: 35807 Bud Ova Dear General Meyer: The enclosed correspondence was sent to the Department of Energy for response. nO In view of the fact that the Global Construction Company ifs a contractor of the Department of GBefense, this matter 1s referred to you for reply. Thank you. Stncerely Bee, " ee eaeet Late ho geo aiebese aay tee fects8, st ; iedngsitter ; weary om rein soe ER RSEEBESt iNa ORsMSIEa PBAARE Abert P. 0. Box 1500 Huntsville, Alabama Walter/H. Weyzen, Manager Health Studies Programs Offfce of Health and nvironmental Research Enclosure: Ltr. fm. Ltr. to dtd. 7/20/78 fm. NRC CC: bec: OSE EV MF HHSP mela 009312 M.C. 30199 —_ PRINACYACT MATERIAL REMOVED —