and 2.11,

The Koa hodograph shows that for this event the winds were

ideal for height line sampling since material falling from the light and

variable layer would be clearly iselated from the rest of the falleut.


Walnut, an overlap of particles originating in the cloud at 40,000 feet and
at higher levels would be anticipated.

For Oak the samples collected at

1000 feet would contain material which came from several different elevations in the cloud.
2.3.2 Kea Event,

No rocket samples were cellected from Shot Koa,

In preshet planning it was intended that a salvo of 18 rockets would be fired
into the cloud, 6 each from Sites Wilma, Sally and Mary.

The firing line

to Site Wilma failed on the day before the shot and could not be repaired
before evacuation.

Firing circuits to Sites Sally and Mary were intact at


shot time and a firing signal was transmitted to these sites at H f 7 minutes,
but no rockets fired.

Failure appears to have been caused by the heavy

current drain by several launcher orienting motors dropping the main power
supply voltage to a point where it was insufficient to operate critical relays
in the local launch programming equipment.

Thereafter, launching opera-

tions were programmed se that only a single launcher motor would be


operating at one time.

Five samples were taken from the cloud by B-57D aircraft at 3-1/2, ty,

8, 11 and 28 hours post-shot time (See Table Rl).

A flight scheduled for

Select target paragraph3