The authers wish to acknowledge the vital contributiens made to
the Project, in both the field and the laberatory, by members ef the Los
Alames Scientific Laberatery, the University ef Califernia‘Radiatien Laboratery, and the U.S. Naval Radiolegical Defense Laberatory.
Persens centributing invaluable aid included: G. Cowan, P. Guthals,
and H. Plank from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; R. Batzel, R.
DaRosa, E. Fleming, R. Goeckerman, F. Momeyer, W. Nervik, P. .
Stevenson, and K. Street from the University of California Lawrence
Radiation Laboratory; and J. Abriam, N. Ballou, L. Bunney, C. Carnahan, E. Freiling, M.G.

Lai, D.

Love, J. Mackin, M. Nuckoils, J.

O'Connor, D. Sam, E. Scadden, E. Schuert, P. Strom, E. R. Tompkins,

T. Triffet, H. Weiss, L. Werner and P. Zigman from the U.S. Naval
Radiological Defense Laboratory.


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