

The gas samples were analyzed for radioactive krypton and the cloud
and fallout samples were each analyzed for sr?°, Cs!37 and several other
nuclides selected to give information on fractionation.

Fall rate and size

distribution measurements were made on the particle samples from the
The combined analytical data was used to estimate the

land surface shot.

distribution of Sr? and Cs!3? between the local and long~range fallout.
The results indicate that for water shots, around one-half of the sr 79

and two-thirds of the cs!3? formed will be dispersed over distances greater
than 4,000 miles.

Corresponding figures for a coral land surface are one-

fifth for Sr?° and one-half for Cs!3?, Radionuclide fractionation was pronounced in the land surface shot.

The local fallout was depleted in both

sr? and cs!3? and the upper portions of the clouds were enriched,
tionation was muchless for the water shot.

There are no results to be reported on the spatial distribution of
radioactivity in the clouds since this part of the project was dependent on
the rocket samples,

It is recommended that a similar project, with particular emphasis on
land detonations, be included as part of the program if future weapons tests
are scheduled,

Such a project could provide a valuable check on the HARD-

TACK data and would be relatively inexpensive if only the long-lived nuclides
were determined.




Select target paragraph3