

27, 28), TUMBLER-SNAPPER(References 27, 16), UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE
(References 16, 27), CASTLE (Reference 29, 30, 31, 32, 33), WIGWAM

(Reference 34), TEAPOT (Reference 35), and REDWING(References 23,

A summary of values computed from gamma contours and/or area

sampling covered a range from 0,2 to 0,6 (References 25, 26),


examination .of the preliminary REDWING data by Tucker (Reference 37)
gave higher figures in the range 0.65-0.70 for barge (water surface) shots
and up to 0.85 for land surface shots,
Results by the UCRL cloud sampling method are also available
from REDWING(Reference 26) for the ground shots Lacrosse, Mohawk, .
Zuni and Tewa (part land, part water), for the water surface shots Huron
and Navajo, and the high altitude air burst, Cherokee,

In the first three

events the ratio of solid-to-gas fissions was as low as 0.04,

Values for

Tewa were not much less than one but this was probably due to the low
sampling altitudes relative to cloud height,
were greater than 0.6 in all cases,
measured gave a ratio of one,

The ratios for the barge shots

For Shot Cherokee the single sample

Interpretation of these figures in terms of

fallout distribution indicates that 90-95% of the activity came down locally
for the land shots, 15-50% for the water shots,and essentially none for the
high altitude air burst,
On 5-7 March 1957 a symposium was held at the Rand Corporation



Select target paragraph3