

field program since radiation intensity measurements must be made over
areas up to tensof thousands of square miles,

When the fallout is deposited

mainly over the surface of the ocean, the original patterns are distorted
continuously by settling of the particles and by ocean currents,

The collec-

tion of samples at the earth's surface which are truly representative of
the area sampled and free from collector bias presents problems which

have not been fully solved to date,
Conversion of gammaintensity contour data to fraction of device
requires knowledge of the relation of dose rate to fissions per unit area
of the fallout field at one hour and of the gross radioactive decay rate. |
The decay rate varies with the device composition, environment and fractionation in a way which is not well understood.

Some uncertainty will

always be present in local fallout determinations by this method when
fractionation exists to an unknown degree, even though all the other quantities are known accurately,
Another procedure for the determination of fallout partition was
originated by the University of California Radiation Laboratory based on
the supposition that certain of the rare gas fission products remain throughout their lifetimes as free atoms unattached to surfaces (Reference 26),


this is true, they will not be removed from the cloud by the falling particles
and may be considered as representative of the number of fissions remain-




Select target paragraph3