
take part in discussions and answering questions whenever they want to do so and
thereby develop an atmosphere of trust.


develop and present an educational program on radiation, what it is, what it can do
and finally what it means to them as they continue to live on an island which has
residual radioactivity.
The education program was basically presented under three headings, there were:


radiation and effects of radiation


environmental monitoring, and


medical programs
Very early in the program, it was recognized that the village meetings would be

the best forum for presenting the lecture on radiation and the informal discussions
should be encouraged whenever possible.

The fact that the senior author lived for a

while on the island with them lent itself to the latter method quite easily.
need to encourage them to ask questions was always emphasized.

Also the

This procedure per-

mitted informal discussions to be made among the people and the scientist (educator).
These discussions provided the forum for seeking the right way to present the right
answer to their questions.

It also helped to ensure true communication as one trans-

lates back and forth between English and Marshallese.
In discussing radiation and its effects, it was also recognized that the Marshallese language is not equipped to explain radioactivity, the radioactive element, the
types of radiation and other concepts of the interaction of radiation with matter.


was felt that a lot would be gained by addressing their basic fears about living on an

island which received radioactive fallout and continued to be radioactive today.
basic fear seems to be built around the fact that the adopted Marshallese word for

radioactivity was the English word “poison" and like their experience with poison, it
was capable of injuring and even killing.

By the use of radiation detection instru-

ments, we were able to demonstrate that unlike poison,

radiation could be detected

without touching or tasting it, and that unlike poison, it decreases with time.


latter concept was demonstrated very effectively by using a square paper and sequen-

tially tearing into half.

It was emphasized that the reduction in activity with time

Select target paragraph3