Marae OS 402 OS 7 Apper.dix I ee poe / PASO Doe/WV LLECTION LAL *OSITORY Medical Trip Report nee Fol nk 4S X No. Brookhaven National Laboratory Y 19779. Jaruary-Fetrvary 1979 nenicat. ROgRAm This appendix will cover only the wection of the survey supported by the ship iiktanuor II, chartered fron U.S, Cecanography. Qn January 25, 1979, kr, Charles Otterman (C.0,), president of U.S, Uceanography and Mr, Harry Brown (1,.B.), DOE/PASS representative, arrived on Kwa jadein via MAC, I met them et the airport and asked thet we get together as soon as possible to wlan for the upcoming ocut-isiar] survey, They stated that the ship would arrive eerily Ssturday morning - xbcut 0900 ~ an’ that I wes rewuested to keen the medic<1 survey tean - ineJucin: myself - avay from the ship because of the heavy work sehedule and After three days ve eould visit the ship, many things TNaAtT neasced to the vessel, him, T stated the? there were ce done to mech the medics] team enc the erew of H.2, asked me to pess all reuvests directed to the evew throurh I spreead, (Cr. Saturdav and Sunday oe number of friends fren hwajalein went down to see the vessel + from the pier, To was irformed thems didn't ssemn to bs the frantie activity that would have mrech.ded my visiting the tert Gays, danger to cheervere - Un Wonday the eta, 1 fanaily persuaded Hid. that I neetied to see how the ship wes set up, When J went aboard, I found the shin to be quiet and I comienced my inspection, te The trailers constructed wy EZN leoked poed, ae] TT pointed cut that Bill Secvtt, patient coorvingtor, vould have a table at ths Yorward base of the ceck crane, Imnediatety forverd of his vosition or thyroid specialist, John Nicoloff, M.D. 2 (President of the American Thyroid Association ), would need a table set up between thea trailors - to perform his exeminations - and BEST COPY AVAILABLE