



September checkup on the people and organize and corsy out che fennel Lo

The Trust Territory would, hopefully, |


£41 in for the other quarterly visite to the outer islands.

As in 1, except recruit a paranedic inatood of a physician

to be in the ielands, and make the quarterly visite including asdistance
to the physician on the Septenber trip and the annual survey.

"WW. .

nedical survey in March-April.



3 seemed to be favored. _The concensus was chat quevtorly trips chould be
continued if possible. BNL would explore furthor thera posoibilitics.


was pointed out that if the quarterly trips were ebandoncd an explanation, —



to the people would be necegsary.. In any event, a letter to Oocar deBrim


concerning the future status of the medical program would be desirable.
- The question was raised as to whether, fromthe roscatch point of viev,

another organization might.take over.


a Rrraopener

BRDA might have gotten “nearly all the mileage" out of tho program and
It was pointed out that with the

increasing development of hypothyroidism in many cxposcd people and the
continued development of thyroid nodules there was, if amything, an in-


crease in research interest in the progran.




‘It was agreed that BRDA should support further trataisy; of cas or bere
Marshallese personnel, perhaps at the University of Rovwali, to participate
in the wedical program in the felande.

Such training would be pricarily

for general health care, but also include some acocects of rodiatica and
‘ite effects.

Further exploration of this program should be pursued with


the Trust Territory.


Select target paragraph3