calendar months.

Bacterial content, salinity, and radionuclide content

should be measured, but primary emphasis of the program should be
placed on development of an understanding of processes which are
operating — or which can be made to operate - to reduce the ecological
half-life of are and 1376, below the radioactive half-life on the northe
islands, especially JANET.


An air sampling program should be conducted during cleanup in
support of cleanup operations and to add to the body of available
information on radioactivity levels in air,
Base-line surveys of body burdens and urine content of 1370, and
90s, should be made for the Enewetak people prior to return to Eneweta
Atoll, after the first year of residence, and as appropriate there=

Resurveys of the environmental radiation and radioactivity

levels should be made starting in the first year ef return and
repeated every other year.

To be determined is the adequacy of the dict

and the actual average daily dietary inteke of radioactivity for
various age groups for comearison with estimated levels and how

radioactivity levels in water, air, soil, plants, and animals are
changing with time.

(Included should be collection of additional

information on the chemical form and size distribution of “~~
in the air.)

Pu particl-

Information from such surveys will provide a continuins c::

of the radiological status of the people and the environment an2z will
assure that the exposure criteria is not being approached or exceeded,

Considering that the method of disposal of plutonium contaminated soil
and scrap has not yet been decided, that not enough information is
availiable to determine whether it is feasible to remove pluteniun fror.
the soll to reduce the anount of materinl requirins disposel, aud net

Select target paragraph3