Appendix II
Enewetak Radiological Survey Report

Summary of Findings Chapter
W. Nervik,

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,





External Gamma Radiation Levels

It has been the purpose of this survey

Three independent techniques were

to gain a sufficient understanding of the
total radiological environment of Enewetak

used to measure external gamma radia-

Atoll to permit judgments as to whether

tion levels on the Atoll:

or not all or any part of the Atoll can


LiF and CaFo thermoluminescent

safely be reinhabited and, if so, what

dosimeters (TLDs) were exposed

preliminary steps toward cleanup should

for 33 months on seven of the

be taken and what post-rehabilitation con-

northern islands.

straints must be imposed.


Enewetak Atoll has an extremely

Atomic survey instrument was

broad range of radiological conditions in
a small land mass.

A measurement using a Bairdmade at each soil-sampling loca-

To gain an under-

tion on each island.

standing of the details of this range of


conditions, it has been necessary to obtain

An aerial survey with Nal detectors
was conducted over the entire

and analyze a very large number of sam-

surface area of every island.

pies from all components of the environment,

All three techniques yield results

To gain an equivalent understand-

which agree to within about 10%.
nd 137

ing of the implications of this range of
conditions for rehabilitation of the



Cs contribute most of the total

Enewetak people, it has been necessary

external gamma radiation, with the

to postulate population distributions, life

remainder due to small amounts of other

styles, and dietary habits — an endeavor

gamma emitters such as 125¢), 1995p ’

fraught with uncertainties under the best

and 241 Am,

of circumstances, but particularly so for

tive to

the current, rapidly changing Marshallese

with a range of values from about 0.5 on


JANET to greater than 14 on JAMES,

This section is a summary of the data


The amount of 80K rela-

"Cs varies throughout the Atoll,

Average values for each isotope on each

obtained from the Survey, the postulates

island are given in Table 214.

used, and the population dose assessments

erence, a map of the Atoll is shown in

derived from data plus postulates.

Fig. 146.


For ref-

Southern islands (SAM to KEITH) are

reader is cautioned against expecting or

using a ''simple" description of the radio-

characterized by low and more or less

logical condition of Enewetak Atoll, be-

uniformly distributed gamma-radiation

cause no Single value of any component of

levels over the area of each island,

the radiological condition is applicable to

exposure levels increase, exposure grad-

the entire Atoll without being misleading.

ients become severe, with beaches



Select target paragraph3