one day the island can be resettled.

There appear to be two

possible approaches:

Soil removal followed by studies with test plantings to determine
whether exposure for [njebi residents would be within acceptable



Conduct of studies using test plantings to determine when exposures
would be within acceptable criteria but no soil renoved.

In either case, housing construction and planting of subsistence and
commercial crops would be deferred until research with test plantings

shoved acceptably low levels of radicactivity.

The Task Group

recommends the second approach as one having minimal adverse impact
on the island environment.
Ine research program in 3 above should ciso inciude ao
determination of radioactivity levels in copra and other food crops
produced on PEARL, CLARA, ALICE. and BELLE.

YVONNE should also

be included after removal of plutoniim contaminated soil.
Ali radioactive scrap metal and contaminated debris identified durins
the Holmes and Narver [ngineering Survey should be removed.


additional contaminated debris is discovered in the course of cleanun
and rehabilitation operations,

it too should be removed.


included in this recommendation are the three locations on SALLY ana
one on ELMER where contaminated debris is known to be buried.


debris should be exhumed and removed.
The quarantine of YVONNE should be continued in effect wmtil the
plutonium contamination on that island is reduced to acceptable levels


Should any Enewetak people return to the atoli before cleanup is

Select target paragraph3