
Removal of 15 cm of soil in the subsistence agricultural area of JANET.


Removal of 15 cm of soil in the commercial agricultural area of JANET.

These actions result in a theoretical reduction factor of 3 to 4 for 137 ¢¢
and 0c in the remaining top em layer of soil - or have roughly the sane
theorctical effect as waiting sixty years for radioactive decay to take place.

Whether food crops would show a similar reduction is uncertain.

This action

would possibly result in an ultimate finding that doses would be below the
criteria but above that expected for people living on the southern islands.
Most significantly, however, implementation of Option IV a-e would remove
a minimum of 15 em of soil from essentially the entire island cf JANET.


the top soil on that island is charitably described as meager, such acticn
would leave JANCT a sand island.

Heroic actions would be required to either

reconstitute the remaining soil throush use of fertilizers and other

additives, or import top soil sufficient to support subsistence and covnercia:

With any of these actions a period of time would be requircc,

possibly as long as 8-10 years, or until test plantings of coconut, pandanus,
and breadfruit are grown and analyzed for their radioactivity concent, before

a decision could be made to settle people on JANET.

An additional period of

&-10 years would be required after a decision to plant subsistence and

commercial crops in quantity before the island could support its innabitanis.
Option V


All of Options IV a-e, plus:


Removal of a minimum of 10 cm of soil from PEARL.


Removal of a minimum of 47 cm of soil from ALICL, 14 cm from BELLE,
and 10 em from CLARA.

: me?


Select target paragraph3