for land burial within the atoll.
It may be possible to reduce the amount of material requiring disposal
by removal of the plutonium from the most highly contaminated soil.


Task Group does not have adequate information to determine whether this may

be feasible.

Research to determine whether this can be accomplished could be

conducted with YVONNE used as the study site.

In the radiologically complex Enewetak Atoll environment there are a large number of options that may be considered for cleanup and rehabilitation
of various islands.

The Task Group has considered as many of these as

possible in the time available.

Te the extent possible the Task Group has

attempted to arrive at a consensus of opinion among the drafting group and
its technical advisors.

Comments on draft material have been solicited

from staff of several Federal acencies.

Their sugpestions have influenced

the approach to development of recommendations and have led to numerous
changes of a technical nature.

Regarding each cption, the following have

been considered.

Determination of the radiological exposure to be expected and
comparison of predicted exposures with accepted radiation exposure


The feasibility of actions or restrictions inherent in the ovtion.


The effectiveness of the option in bringing exposures within the
criteria and any uncertainties regarding the effectiveness.

Select target paragraph3