


Pace }



Hawaii for the rexoval of the twsor, but his cancer is terrinal.

About 2 months ago,

he called on me to radio for a ship to te diverted to Killi to take hin to Majuro,
the Vistziect Center,

The ship cane, but the weves caused a 20 minute operation to

last airost 2 hours.

Even with en outccard rotor boat, 3 fighting
o these

hasardous operaticn.

On the island now we have a 15-year old girl who has symrtous

of appendicitis.

waves is-a

A ship w25 diverted to Killi, but tne girl could not be removed.
he problem.

Thet same night, Killi students returning to

ajurc had to swim past the surf and beard the outccard which vould take then ‘to the

One Killi man swam ell the way ta tne shin gust to corfer with the captain

and exulain the lnanding situation.

Hope and I ask, the Killi people ask, and now we hope you ask, "Why can't the
Killi people return to Bikini?"

We have a letter in our possession addressed to the

Killi ragistrate
from Hien
Cozrmissioner MNorwool.

This Letter &
gives the


and confidence bacause in it the Nich Commissioner seys, "it way be possible to
resettle Bikini in the not too distant future ... Mr. Rasmuissen

(of the Atomic

Energy Cormission) told me that the Atouie Ener:y Cersnission scientists
have decided

A recent Serstorieal visit to the Mars
statement From Senator Mess of Uta
return to Bikini as scon 2s it is cleared of redicactivi

Mr. Rasmussen, it has beon cleared.

Obviously, these eccntradictory statements can

straigntforvard statement should pe wede.

Tnose who are responsible



decision should teke a firm step toveru getbing these people back to their 1 and,
Can your Council look into the Kilii situetion?
lip service.

Please don't give these people

Lon't just tell then you know of their probler, but holo then solve it.

. Tnoy want to go home.

We ean sce no reason vhy they should live undar these
vion and is fit for hiwan hatitation, please


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