Subjectr I. __— a BEST COPY AVAILABLE Procosed Studies at Cperation Enothole Survivals to Supplement G ¢. Data Request survivals to supplement the 0. G. data. This requires no special set-up. It is a request of the surplus animals (day survival) to supplement the studies of the 9.G. survivals. A. The threshold cataractogenic dose was not obtained at 0. G. since all animals received developed cataracts. Theretore, low dose survivals are wanted in both neutron and gamm series. ‘ Be The neutron survivors of 0. G. received did not cover the LDcgq range but were very much lower. Therefore, survivals in the LDco range are needed for comparative studies on neopiasia induction in the neutron anc gamma exposed animals. C. D. The number of animals surviving doses larger than LDcg were few in the 0. G. series. This is an exceedingly interesting frroup o< vhich more are wanted. Such a group has never been stucled before. Surplus animals can also be used for studiss on the pathogenesis of lesions in the 0. G. serics, now evident. Some of these hitherto not noted require confirmation. Jacob Furth Pathology and Physiology THIS PAGE ONLY, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW SINGLE REVIEW AUTHORIZED, BY: 5 AA Sioigsarer ie . __ OPENNET ENTRY : By: Ses KEVIEWER (ADD): . oO Authonzed for Public Release &y:. Date. Entered in OpenNet I "ok. Mi. Reu§k4 TaUl e DATE: W/23 fal NAME: DETERMIBATION [CIICLE NUMBER(S)] TL. CLASSIFICATION RETAINED Z. CLASSI-ICATION CHANGED TO: 3. Coa naiNs NO DOE CLASSIFIED INFO OROINATE WITH: ist Fuassieication cANCELICS CLASSIFIED tvFO BRACKETED POTHER (SPECIFY): Date: Cc Not Authorized for Public Release Baie’ By: j / : 7 _ © im - a ’ hee Se DOARCHIVES ©