Freiling (Fr61) indicated that the degree of fractionation from a

surface burst could be significant.

The extent of the fractionation throughout

the debris was another variable he observed to be significant.


emphasized the high degree of fractionation between nuclides classified as volatile and refractory for coral atoll surface bursts. Generalizations were made,
to be used with much caution. Freiling indicated that, in general, fractiona-

tion would decrease as device yield decreased and would increase with depth,

that is, air bursts would be less fractionated than surface bursts which would
be less fractionated than subsurface bursts. From Freiling's studies, we
cautiously expect that the high yield surface burst creating the BRAVO fallout
caused a moderate-to-high degree of fractionation which occurred moderately to

extensively throughout the debris.

For the coral surface burst, Freiling observed that the ratio of

57r to 89sr activity could be chosen as a representative measure of the overall
degree of fractionation between refractory and volatile elements. This ratio
had a value of 5 for a deep water surface burst of megaton range and a value of
100 for a coral surface burst (Fr61). The unfractionated value for this ratio,
for day 26 post-detonation and for thermonuclear neutron fission of 238y, was
calculated to be 1.6 from data given by Crocker (Cr65)._ From. the average of
Yamatera and Tsuzuki data, we calculated the ratio of 25zr activity to 9sr acm
tivity measured on day 25 to be 4.8. This measured value for the degree of

fractionation was characteristic of a deep water surface burst of the megaton

Tange, moderately but not highly fractionated. This moderate fractionation probably occurred moderately to extensively throughout the fallout cloud because of

the large yield and surface location of the device (Fr61).

The effect of fractionation on decay rate is very complex, and sim-

ple observation of overall radioactive decay does not yield significant information. Even so, the decay rates from widely distributed samples obtained out to
480 km (300 miles) from the BRAVO detonation site were similar. The decay rates
from activity on different-size fallout granules collected at the same site were

similar (0C68).

These facts alone do not indicate that the same fractionation

was common to all granule sizes.

In fact, small granules traveled with the cloud

for longer periods of time and possibly adsorbed more longer-lived nuclides than

did the very large granules.
In the analysis, we assume that the fractionation
observed for Bikini ash granules was similar for granules at Rongelap, Sifo, and
Utirik Tslands. With the possible exception of Utirik Island, this assumption
was considered valid owing to the proximity of Rongelap and Sifo Islands to the
5th Lucky Dragon.

b. The Decay of Fallout. The gamma and beta decay of the BRAVO
radioactivity after the first 10 days post-detonation was measured by several
researchers (e.g., Miller, Servis, Tomkins, Wilsey, and Stetson, see OC68).
Decay data from measurements made between 0 and 10 days were not found in the
literature. Fallout samples, taken weeks after the BRAVO event, were from
Bikini Atoll, Rongelap Atoll, the 5th Lucky Dragon, and the surface of US Navy
ships in the area. The measured decay exponent after two weeks was used by many
researchers to extrapolate exposure rate back to times prior to sample collection and in one case was used to estimate activity decline every hour post-

These extrapolations by Miller for the decay of fall-



detonation (Miller, 0C68).

Select target paragraph3