


“- EAI 5601 re~ires

weekly training for”engineer and demolition

personnel and reports of such to the safety Officer.

This is being

done altho’~ghthe reports were not available at the time of this
inspection. “Special training classes ~~e required by EAI 5603.
The Atoll Safety Coordinator (~.e., the E&N Safety Officer) has
offered his services for these but, to date, has presented only
one or two such sessions to non-H&N personnel.

It is recommended

that mose such prograns be held.

The reports frcm the medical detac.%nentappear to be the key
to a comprehensive overview of all incidents with some injur.~invo~ved.
In most cases the pre~-.—.._
‘:~f-=-y information collected by the medical
perso.mel provides a sound basis for followup by the appropriate

safety officer.

>~owever,the reports are not being received by the

Atoll Safe@< Officer soon enough for a timely followup (e.g., they
are received monthly) . FwXher,

reports are not being received by

the Ser--iczsafety o.‘=icers so that a matchup with the reports
forward%”dup the chain-of-command is not possible.

Also, to be noted,

the Atoll Safety Officer is not receivifigall the safety investigations
conducted by the Se&Vice elements.

It is recommended that:

The routing of the injury reports from the nedical detachment

be clarified so that the appropriate personnel receive then on a timely



Select target paragraph3