plutonium for occupational radiation workers is 4 x 10-11PCi/cc.

‘This .indicates that the average air concentration on the bulk haul
to date has been less than 1/5000 of the !K2Cand five hundred times
lower than the actio~ levsl.
...-. .. ..-----.. . . ._..-’....’....,
and still
appears to be adequate for all field conditions obse~ed

‘-.. .-.
_ --_

= “’”-:

during our

A review of all returned analyses on urine samples show

.... ,.


no reason to suspect significant internal exposure to date.
E. The Field Radiological Survey Team Operation Data Reports
for various islands havs also been reviewed for the period JanuaryJuly 1978.

These re-portsgenerally give a complete picture of

operations and 50110WU? actions are typical>y noted.


results are cjenerzllynot zotzd if they are negative although positive
results axe noted.

Thiq -policyis probably adequate although the


casual review=r might Lhink that the case is still pending, whereas~

in fact, negative results have been obtained.

When the team visited the Enjebi soil excision operation

it was noted that the air sampler was non-operational, although the
operation W=S still ongoing.

FCRR SOP 608-01 requires at least one

air sampler at an “earth moving operation.

Although the operation

should have been halted by SOP, it is felt that the r,asksbeing worn

- . .:

by all personnel provided sufficient protection so that the operation
could be continued.

.. ... .
;, ,.

Investigation indicates that of the 85 air

samplers provided, only 27 are operational, two (2) down for maintenance,
14 requiring parts, 24 requiring engines, and 18 salvaged.


It is


Select target paragraph3