Sp )’76.


Radiation Safety Audit and Inspection Team
Armed Forces RafiiobiologyResearch Institute
Bethesda, E!aryland 20014
8 August 1978
SUBJECT : 5th “F?ai!iation
Safety Audit and Inspection Tean (2sA1T) Visit
to Enewetak Atoll


1. The enchsd
natsrizls constitute the report of the Radiation Safety
?wdit and Ins~ection ?e~n (Fc5AIT). No further report will be generated
for this visit., Tk$e (2.)cqies will be re~roduced by the originators
on Enewetak. Copies for the
team members will be reproduced and sent to
them after the tean retzns hone. One copy will be given to the
Commander, :o%~t Task G-~-~
..LZ (JTG), before departure. The second and
third CSgIi2S will >2 qi-de~ kO the c~,p.~a~der,
Nuclear >;ezq and ths Director, Defense Nuclear Agency at their briefing
on 11 AuT2st 137S.
2. Disagreements with tfiecontents, cor.clcsionsanti/orrecorme>daticns
made in this report s?.o’d~i
‘D=forwar~ed to this office before ~h~ ne;<t
anticipated ?S.AITvisit.
3. The ?SZMT size has ‘beenreduced from ten xnemkersto seven. Full
representation by each o: the uniformed services has been maintained.
Occupational safsty arxl!-.ealth
review is still consi~ered an inteqral
function of this tean. A short overall summary with the rmst important
findings and recsmmcz~s+o~s by the Officer in Chzrqe is followed by
short su’maries &“.dreccrmtendationscovered in each of the annexes.
The recommendations brouqht forward to the summary s~ctioa zre cloneso
only after thorough disc’assionsby the teain. Ideas brought up for
consideration, but not thcught to be substantive remain in the bo&y
of the annex.

The next anticipated visit of the team will be from 5-13 Dece;ber 19?8.

Select target paragraph3