... .. .
Th~~e has been no
in the envirc,nme~t~lh~zards during the


past year.

... ..

Orientation and inbriefings continue to emphasize the hazard


from-heat, humidity, the need for particular care to cuts and abrasions’,
-. .... .-..... .“
. . ..
the”problerw of heat stabile toxins in the lagoon algae that are passed
“- ‘“”
up the food chain to edible fish, the need for wzter safety are all
adequately emphasized. A handout on the signs, symptoms and prevention
of,heat exhaustion ad heat stroke are made available to all incoming


Considerable improvement could be made in the indoctrination

lecture about poisoncus fish by utilizing visual aids.

Environmental monitoring is an active, ongoing program handled
with diligence a.n6~v~ication by t!!eveterinary technician assigned
to the dispensary.

~ater samples, food aiidkitchen utensii culb~ring

is an integral part 05 this ?~gr~.

Both the camp at Lojwa and the

main base island, Ene-.tak, are covered on a routine basis and no


major probl=n areas have been elucidated, other than the rodent
infestation on Lojwa which is an ongoing problem but appears to be
under reasonable control.
Environmental monitoring appears to be ad~ately
recommendations are made.

handled and no

Environmental safety continues to be a

significant problem on the Atoll and should be included for review by
the Atoll Safety Committee at.the time of their deliberations each month.

Colonel, USAF=,MC
Director, ?FP?


Select target paragraph3