The Director, DNA has requested the RSAIT ad~~ess several aspects
of the radiation safety grogramp especially the command decision to
wear surgical masks on Enjebi and the radiological safety of the bulk
haul co~t~~i~ate~ earth ~~d d~b~i=m

The unanimous concensus of the


RSAIT is thit there is no need for surgical masks on Enjebi and the
respiratory protection be guided by EAI 5707.

The bulk haul operation

was evaluated by the RSAIT in July and again this month.

Again, the

unanimous opinion is that the procedure is radiologically safe--and
respiratory protection only be used during loading and unloading with
continuous air mcmitoring iiuringall phases of the operation.

Accid5ntsr both occupational and recreational, continue to be
the xnajo~sou~ce of nanhours lost from the job.

Improvements in the

safety program =Ye apparent eve~here,
but still there is
a need for s’ttongendorsement and support by the JTG Commander and



element commanders for all safety prograins. A rise in the number of
accidents which have occurred over the last three months attests to
the need for continued surveillance.




Select target paragraph3