Utirik Is. After establishing radio communications with tne plane and asceurtaining the number of passengers, the sxucutive Officer wes directed to
cross over to the lagoon side and use the rubber raft or any means to land

the plane passengers.

With the friendly help of the cooperative natives,

the X.0. with the rubber raft, set out in an outrigger canoe towards the

seaplane in the lagoon, But just as he approached the planc it taxiied away
apparently not distinguishing him among the natives, It had been suggested
to the plane that if he had difficulty lending passcngers in the lagoon, he
might try landing outside the lagoon near the ship. Upon hearing this
. Suggestion, the plane took off immediately and after one try, a tremendous

bounce, another circle and approach, landed near the ship about O915H.

Meanwhile, the gig having disembarked the Executive Officer was instructed by him to procced castward about 500 -ards to a small cove where
the natives said landings could be made with more ease and safety, This
was done but calling it a cove is a misuse of the term. ase and safcty
did not secm to fit the situation either but it did appear less dangerous.
By using the anchor to seaward the gig was slowly worked up to the reef
cdge where the Radsafe -fficcr and his team disembarked and waded ashore
to the same friendly welcome, handshakes and "Good Morning" from uvery nativlarge and small. During this time the Executive Officer had returmmed to the
beach from the lagoon and his try at receiving the plane passengers and ad-

vised the native chief to prepare his people for evacuation.

Som: of the

natives who seemed to understand and spoke some broken English were of grest

assistance in this, At this time the ship was advised by the X.0, of the
necessity for evacuation on southern and seawil side of Utirik Island and

that native boats would be of no practical assistance. The Gunnery Officer
in the MWB, after searching for several miles along the south leg of the
atoll, reported there were no breaks in the reef nor landing places of any


After the gig had disembarked the remainder of the beach party, it was

returned to the ship having lost its anchor in leaving the reef.

It arrived

in the vicinity of the ship just in time to meet tne plane and take aboard
its passengers, They consisted of Marshall Island Trust Territory representative, Kershall Island interpreter, and two public relations civilians
attached to staff, CJTF 7. after a brief consultation on board ard procurement of another boit anchor, the gig was again dispatched to the beach,
meeting the 15.B enroute and receiving from it a radioman with a portable

SCR-300 radio which greatly facilitated the operation.

This party was met

by the Executive Officer and the group then set out for the village.
seaplane departed shortly for xwajalein.



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