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An unexpected wind shift during the 1954 test carried

fallout from Bikini

at the western end of the Marshall

Islands over several islands located east of Bikini.
and most heavily exposed were 64 Marshallese at Rongelap.
There were also 18 Marshallese at Ailingnae and 157 at Utirik
receiving a much lesser exposure.
These peonle are examined
on a regular schedule.
To provide a comparison with the
exposed populace,

a control groun of about 200 unexposed

Marshallese is also examined, but 6n a less frequent schedule.
There were 19 children in the Rongelap vopulation under
the age of 10 at the time of exnoosure.
The estimated dose to
their thyroids was

from 500 to 1400 rads.

Seventeen of these

children have developed thyroid abnormalities and some show
growth retardation.
Fifteen of tne children have been operated on for thyroid nodules, including the case found to be
Malignant this month.
This is the first time a malignant

thyroid condition has develoved in the Rongelap group who were

exposed as children.
According to Dr. Conard, the children
show a higher incidence of thyroid abnormalities because their
thyroid glands were smaller and probably received a larger
comparative radiation dose.
There were six children under 10 years on Ailingnae.
They received from 275-600 rads.
The 40 children on Utirik
in the same age group received thyroid doses from 55 to 125
There has been no development of abnormalities in
either group.
The selection of age 10 as a grovo designation
did not occur until a few years ago and was done primarily as
a result of statistical observations.
The Rongelap inhabitants who were over 10 years at the

time of exposure received a thyroid dose estimated at 355

Eight per cent developed thyroid abnormalities. The
exposed adult populations on Utirik and Ailingnae, like the
unexposed control population, has had a low incidence of

thyroid abnormalities, probably normal, statistically, for
the size of their populations.
In total, four malignant thyroid conditions have been
found, three of them from the Rongelap population.
Of those,

two were adults and one was a child at the time of exposure.

The fourth case, the adult patient from Utirik treated this.
year, is not believed to be related to radiation exvosure.

term rad means

radiation absorbed dose.


Select target paragraph3