Appendix B

Individual Marshallese laboratory data collected during the 1983 and 1984
medical surveys.

IDN = Brookhaven National Laboratory identification number

WBC = leukocyte count/ ul
PMN = neutrophil count/yul
BND = band forms/ yl

LYM = lymphocytes/ul
MON = monocytes/ul

EOS = eosinophils/ul

BAS = basophils/ yl



PLT = platelet count X 103/ul
HCT = percent

RBC = erythrocytes X 10°/pl
MCV = mean corpuscular volume
in fl

TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone
level in wU/1

PRL = serum prolactin in ng/ml
HBS = hepatitis B surface antigen

AHBS = antibody to hepatitis B

surface antigen
AHBC = antibody to hepatitis B core


HGB = hemoglobin levei in g/dl |



HDL = high-density lipoprotein in
CHO = cholesterol in mg/dl

TRI = triglyceride in mg/dl

Select target paragraph3