Island community exposed to local fallout. In:
Radioisotopes in the Biosphere, Chapter 21, pp.
306-30, Caldecott, R.S. and Snyder, L.A. (Editors).
Published by Center for Continuation Study, University of Minnesota.
Cohn, S.H., Conard, R.A., Gusmano, E.A., and

Included in this listing are 1) references cited
in the text, 2) all Brookhaven National Laboratory-sponsored publications which include
Marshallese data, and 3) selected publications
not from Brookhaven National Laboratory
which bear on the radiation exposure of the
people of Rongelap and Utirik.

Robertson, J.S. 1963. Use of a portable whole-body

counter to measure internal contamination in a
fallout-exposed population. Health Phys. 9:15-23.
Conard, R.A. 1967. Further development of thyroid
nodules in Marshallese population accidentally
exposed to radioactive fallout in 1954. Suffolk
County Med. Soc. Bull., p. 25.
Conard, R.A., Shulman, N.R., Wood, D.A., Dunham,
C.L., Alpen, E.L., and Browning, L.E. 1955. Skin
Lestons, Epilation, and Nail Pigmentation in Marshallese and Americans Accidentally Contaminated With Radioactive Fallout. Naval Medical
Research Institute and Naval Radiological Defense
Laboratory, NMRI Report NM 006 012 04 82, pp.

American Cancer Society. 1980. Guidelines for the
cancer-related checkup: Recommendations and
rationale. CA- A Cancer J. Clin. 30 (4).
Adams, W.H., Harper, J.A., Rittmaster, R.S., and
Grimson, R.C. 1984a. Pituitary tumors following
fallout radiation and exposure. J. Am. Med. Assoc.
Adams, W.H., Harper, J.A., Rittmaster, R.S., Heotis,
P.M., and Scott, W.A. 1984b. Medical Status of
Marshallese Accidentally Exposed to 1954 BRAVO
Fallout Radiation: January 1980 Through December 1982. BNL 51761.
Adams, W.H., Harper, J.A., Heotis, P.M., and
Jamner, A.H. 1984c. Hyperuricemia in the inhabitants of the Marshal] Islands, Arthritis Rheum.
Akiyama, M., Yamakido, M., Kobuke, K., Dock, D.5.,
Hamilton, H.B., Awa, A.A., and Kato, H. 1983.
Peripheral lymphocyte response to PHA and T-cell
population among atomic bomb survivors. Radiat.
Res. 93:572-80.
Allison, A.C. and Blumberg, B.S. 1361. An isoprecipitation reaction distinguishing human
serum-protein types. Lancet 1:634-7.
Beasley, T.M., Held, E.E., and Conard, R.A. 1972.
Iron-55 in Rongelap people, fish, and soils. Health
Phys. 22:245-50.


Conard, R.A. 1956. Theeffects of fallout radiation on
the skin: In: The Shorter-Term Biological Hazards
of a Fallout Field, pp. 135-42, AEC-DOD, U‘S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Conard, R.A., Cannon, B., Huggins, C.E., Richards,
J.B., and Lowrey, A. 1956a. Medical Survey of Marshallese Two Years After Exposure to Fallout
Radiation. BNL 412 (T-80).

Conard, al. 1956b. Response of human beings

accidentally exposed to significant fallout radiation from a thermonuclear explosion (summary).
In: Progress in Radiobiology, pp. 491-3, Mitchell,
J.S., Holmes, B.E., and Smith, G.G. (Editors),
Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Conard, R.A., Cannon, B., Huggins, C.E., Richards,
J.B., and Lowrey, A. 1957. Medical survey of
Marshallese two years after exposure to fallout
radiation. /. Am. Med. Assoc. 164: 1192-7.
Conard, R.A. 1957. Three year medical survey of the
Marshallese people exposed to fallout in March
1954. Radiat. Res. 3:309.
Conard, R.A., Meyer, L.M., Rall, J.E., Lowrey, A.,
Bach, 8.A., Cannon, B., Carter, E.L., Eicher, M.,
and Hechter, H. 1958. March 1957 Medical Survey
of Rongelap and Utirik People Three Years After
Exposure to Radioactive Fallout. BNL 501 (T-119).
Conard, R.A., Meyer, L.M., Robertson, J.S., Sutow,
W.W., Wolins, W., and Hechter, H. 1939a. Effects of
fallout radiation on a human population. Radiat.
Res. Suppl. 1:280-95.
Conard, R.A., Robertson, J.S., Meyer, L.M., Sutow,
W.W., Wolins, W., Lowrey, A., Urschel, H.C., Barton, J.M., Goldman, M., Hechter, H., Eicher, M.,
Carver, R.K., and Potter, D.W. 1959b. Medical Sur-

Becker, C. 1985, Hypothyroidism and atherosclerotic
heart disease: Pathogenesis, medical management,
and the role of coronary artery bypass surgery.
Endoer. Rev. 6:432-40.
Bloom, E.T., Korn, E.L., Toji, D.S., and Makinodan,

T. 1983. Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity among

A-bomb survivors residing in the United States.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 44:213-8.
Blumberg, B.S. and Gartler, S.M. 1959. High prevalence of high-level B-amino-isobutyric acid excretors in Micronesians. Nature 184: 1990-2.
Bond, V.P., Conard, R.A., Robertson, J.S., Weden,
E.A. Jr. 1955. Medical Examination of Rongelap
People Six Months After Exposure to Fallout.
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Sandia
Base, Albuquerque, NM, Report No. 937.
Cohn, S.H., Robertson, J.S., and Conard, R.A. 1960.
Radioisotopes and environmental circumstances:
The internal radioactive contaminationof a Pacific


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