
235 people live 100% of the time on Eneu
for one of two years.


235 people live 100% of the time on Eneu


for one of three years.
The same calculations should be made on the assumption that people live 90% of the time on Eneu and visit Bikini
‘Island 10% of the time, assuming further that no food from
Bikini Island is eaten.

In addition, each calculation and/or

assessment should be made on two different dietary assumption,
one assuming no food imports and the other assuming 50% food
imports and 50% local food from Eneu.
Lastly, DOE should prepare an evaluation of five of the,

islands located west of the Eneu Channel (see page 3 above) based on
two living patterns.

One pattern should assume that the islands

are used for agricultural purposes, and the second should assume
that the islands are used for both residential and agricultural
purposes by a population of approximately 100 people.


It is clear that an Eneu rotation system must
be carefully monitored and enforced in order to work successfully.
Representatives of the major holders of land rights on Eneu

have stated that these landholders would permit other Bikinians
to live on Eneu.,

The Bikinians have also indicated that they

are prepared to comply with DOE restrictions regarding a return

to Eneu-- -In order to be in compliance with federal radiation
protection guidelines, it would be necessary for the people


Select target paragraph3