

or bought,

even if the land and lagoon rights were leased
This would further contribute to the Bikinians'

concern about freedom of movement and loss of collective


For example, the few Bikinians now living on a

small part of Jaluit Atoll do not feel they are free to

travel to other parts of the atoll.

Since these sometimes

‘subtle -- and potentially serious -- social problems are
not susceptible to resolution, resettlement on another inhabited atoll in the Marshall Islands is not acceptable.


to uninhabited atolls, such as Erikub, it appears that they
are uninhabited simply because they are uninhabitable.


those which could sustain some human life could not possibly
support a significant part of the entire Bikinian population,
which now numbers approximately 925 people.

Having discussed and reviewed all possible resettlement options, the people of Bikini have concluded that their

first choice is Bikini Island in Bikini Atoll; their second ” Lo
choice is Eneu Island in Bikini Atoll; and their third choice
is Wake.

Given the problems of resettlement on Bikini Island

and Wake, this realistically leaves only one option open -Eneu Island in Bikini Atoll.


The Bikinians' preference would be to move the
entire dphini population to Eneu and perhaps some of the
islands west of the Eneu channel,

Lele and Eneman.

such as Airukij, Airukol,

Select target paragraph3