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_As for ocean access to Kili, three options or
combinations of options should be considered.
question of a dock.

First is the

The Trust Territory Government has begun

“to examine this possibility, but no feasibility study has
_ibeen completed.

If construction of a dock capable of with-

standing the surf conditions on Kili proves to be impractical
or too costly, the second option should be to dredge a deeper
channel at Kili, thus permitting field trip ships to anchor
closer to the island in calm weather.

The third option would

be to employ the methods used when the area was controlled
by the Japanese.

Field trip ships should off-load supplies

at Jaluit Atoll during the winter months if surf conditions
at Kili make access impossible. In addition, a smaller boat
should be based year-round at Jaluit.

On those few winter

days when the surf conditions at Kili are tolerable, the
people on Kili can call Jaluit by radio and the small boat can
make the 40 mile trip in a few hours to off-load supplies at

Between an airstrip and improved ocean access to the


living conditions on Kili could be significantly im-

Other aspects of a resettlement program include
the following:

First, there must be a comprehensive health

care program for all the Bikini people.

The 139 people removed

Select target paragraph3