

The Department of State and the Atomic Energy Comaission are

aware of the reports that fish cargoes have been found to. be radioactive.

Wo data have been forthcoming, however, to assess these

claims since none of the fish from suoh cargoes have been available
for aalysis.

Accordingly, it is impossible to comment on the

reasons for "the unusually high radioactivity comt found on the

recent catches of the Japanese fishing twats."
With respect to the Ambassador's comment that some Japanese

suspect t&8ts have been conducted on the atolls listed in HYDROPAC

277L8, the Chairman of the thited States Atomic Energy Commission
and the Secretary of Defense announced on May 13, 195), that the 195),
series of thermonuclear tests at the Commission's Pacific Proving
Grounds had been completed.

There have been no further tests in the

Pacific Proving Grounds since that time.

Cha stags

‘Depattoent of State,

_Hashington, ‘October 25, 1954

FE :WA sRMHerndon:S/AEs Q0Spiegelsbtele

n atTig

Select target paragraph3