Peter Oliver


' PLL, 95-134, Territories of the United States Appropriations Author{zation

(91 Stat. 1159) authorized $12,400,000 for rehab{li{tation and resettlement
of Enewetak Atoll]. This Act also authorized certain funds to be used by
the {slands communities of Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini Atolls as well as
establishing a table of ex grat{a payments for medical injuries to the

people of Rongelap and Utirik.

The Act also provides for medical care to

the fatlout victims of Rongelap and Utirtk.

P.L. 95-348, United States Insular Areas Appropriation Authorization of
1978, under the Bikini Resettlement section authorized an additional
$3,000,000 to be held in trust pursuant to the trust agreement established
by P.L. 94-34. This additional $3,000,000 was appropriated in P.L. 95-467
and placed in the Bikin{ Trust Fund tn 1978. P.L. 95-467 also appropriated
$3,000,000 for Bikini resettlement purposes and these funds have been used
for the temporary rehabilitation of Kili following the return of some 145

Bikinians to Kil{ and Ejit in August 1978 from Bikini Island and for costs
{incurred {n exploration of possible temporary resettlement areas.


PL-96-205 of 1980.
PL 96-597 of 1980.
In 1956, $175,000 was paid to the people of Enewetak in a "Use Agreement",

Of this amount, $150,000 was plaed fn a trust fund.

At the same time,

$325,000 was given to the people of Bikini in a "Use Agreement" of which
$300,000 was placed fn a trust fund. Funds for these "Use Agreements" did
not come from specific statutory acts but from montes transferred to the
High Commissioner of the Trust Territory by the Department of the Navy.

In addition, {t 1s generally agreed that the Enewetak cleanup and rehabilitation project cost DOE, DNA, and the military services about $100 million in
addition to funds specifically appropriated for that purpose.

Specifically, for Bikini, our correspondence shows, again subject to DOI
verification, the following:

$2.88 million

Trust established
Rehabilitation effort to improve living


$3 million

Trust established


$1.4 million
$20.6 milifon

exgratia payment made
Provided for health plan
For resettlement trust which also provides cash


$3 million
$6 million

conditions, which includes construction and

rehabilitation of housing

Added to Trust
Spent for rehabflitation of Kili Food to assist
in resettlement of Kilf and Ejit

payments of $3 million over three years which

can be used to continue improving conditions on
Kilf{ or to move to another desired location.


$38,734,000 Tota}

Select target paragraph3