

RES-DRB + 3019833445

NO. 139

Ejit, Enearijs, and Pegarian in Majuro Atoll are the most desirable sites
for relocation of the Rongelap group for the following reasons:


Owed by the Government.


Rent wold not have to be paid.


Political factionalism and intrigue and the ovestion of

land title and chiefly authority waild not te involved.

(u) Contiguity to the civil sdministration area on Majuro,

but not imediately in the area, making redical and
logistic support and close administrative supervision
possible while holding undesirable social effects to a

(S) Accessibility to naval and medical personel from Kwajalein; vse of the hospital at Majuro would be possible
for AEC medical personnel.


Good anchorage and fishing potentialities.


4 more typical native setting physically, ecolo:ically, and


Despite small size of Ejit (8 hectares, 2 ares), lerge

culturally, than the other possible sites; partial reliance
on native resources as supplement to recessary loistic
support would te feasible.
enough for number of buildin,s contemplated; Enearij and

Pecarian (2 hectares each) could be used to locate the
animals now being contracted for.


The islands are well covered with trees providing desirable

and pleasant setting. BEST AVAILABLE COPY


Proximity to friends and relatives in Majuro Atoll would
prevent a feeling of isolation.


Althoozh this possible site of relocation has not yet been

discussed with the Ronzelap people, it is believed that
it would be agreeable

to them on a temporary basis.

Dy. Boghar states that he foresees no difficulties in tre choice
of this site so far as AEC is concerned.


Necessary building arranzerents and requirerents have been discussed with Er. Tobin, District Anthropologist in the Marshalls, vho consulted on this subject with the Macistrate and the leaters of the Rongelap




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