

Other factclrs that might account for low or variable IMP readings
are attenuation

at time of IMP readings were, apparently,

Both wet and dry weights

not recorded.

of soil samples are taken, but moisture

on the islands change from day to day, and soil samples

are not taken in conjunction

Soil moisture

due to soil moisture or soil density.

with most IMP readings.

John Tipton

the opinion that IMP errors due to soil moisture and

density would be on the order of 10 to 15%.

The IMP is calibrated
Am source

in the field three times a day using a known

(100 mCi*3%)

through a 180° arc.

suspended under the IMP detector and moved

The detector has a lead and cadmium shield

at an angle of 50° from the verticle.

The iMP calibration assumes

a soil density of 1.5 g/cm3.

The IMP has never been calibrated
in the soil.

against a known

no pads available with 241Am NBS

standard sources for field calibration.


Am concentration

Everyone present seemed to agree that this should be

There are, apparently,





soil sampling would be necessary.

Depth control on surface soil samples appears to be rather “sloppy”
(my term).

A cookie cutter designed to control depth has not been

used since sometime

in the period October-December.

is to scoc)p from soil surface.

Present procedure

Only the top “3 cm” surface soil

samples are used for cleanup calculations.

Samples at 10 and 20 cm

depths have been taken at each surface sample location, but only
to indicate whether

profiles to greater depths are required.


May 3, 1978, M. Barnes informed me these 10 and 20 cm samples are
no longer being taken, on orders from Bruce Church.
the collection

at those depths. )

analyzed by wet chemistry,

He also initiated

The 10 and 20 cm samples are

but utility of data is decreased by the

fact that soil from upper layers has sometimes fallen to lower cut
levels during sampling operation.


these 10 and 20 cm

cuts are the only profile data that may in some sense be labeled as

The profile data supplied to the Advisory Group for

the April 26 and 27, 1978, meeting in Denver, CO, were taken in areas

Select target paragraph3