


lnl C,117cIl



May 24, 1978




R. O. Gilbert


J. Bair




June 7-8, 1978, meeting of Enewetak Advisory Group at LLL

Concerning your memo to the Enewetak Advisory Group dated May 15, 1978,
I feel the top priority items are your item numbers 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8,
i.e., items relating to work in progress.

I would rank your remaining

items in the order 11, 1, 7, 3, 9 and 10.

Actually the latter items

dealing with organizational,

charter, and longer range items are very

important and I think we should definitely allow time for them by being
sufficiently brief in our discussion of items 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
If time permits and you feel it advisable, I can briefly summarize
the essence of the information I have received from Madaline Barnes and
Jodi Giacomini (DRI) concerning soil-IMP ratios, profile data, and
statistical procedures; and from Mike Ortiz (Eberline) on the quality
assurance data from the Enewetak analytical laboratory.

I also expect

to receive additional data from Madaline Barnes prior to June 7 that may
be of interest to the group.

I can also explain why we felt it necessary

to send the May 3, 1978, amendment to the April 28 report to Hal Hollister.
Persons you might consider inviting to the meeting are John Tipton
{EG&G, FTS 598-0584) for IMP-soil calibration discussion, Mike Ortiz
(FTS 474-5511, 345-3461) concerning quality assurance, and Jodi Giacomini
(FTS 598-3277) for statistics.

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