landing craft will also be required to transport these

machinery within the atoll.

This aquipment, if not available

through the Trust Territory Government, should be acquired
from the Kwajalein Test Site or its contracting firms on @
rental basis.
Cordia trees found in abundance within the interior of
the islands should be utilized for furniture and handicraft
manufacture or possibly for export to other countries.

With the clearing of the vegetation all towers, bunkers,
and buildings,
fully utilized,

with the exception of structures that can be
should be razed or dismantled to prevent the

danger of the collapse of these structures.

The high,


steel towers on Bikini, Enyu and Eneman are definite hazards

to human life.
As the lands are cleared of all vegetation, planting hills
are to be spaced, marked,

and dug according to recommended

Acceptable seednuts will be imported from

other atolls (preferably from the Yap coconut plantings in
Dalap Island, Mayjuro; and Jabor Island, Jaluit) in sufficient
numbers to provide the 950 acres with the necessary seedlings.

Planting pits (3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft) should be filled with
the residue of the cleared vegetation;

then selected seedlings

transplanted as they become ready.
After replanting of the islands,

frequent maintenance of

the groves will be necessary to control competition of underbrush with the coconut seedlings.

Regular brushing at least

Select target paragraph3