fliedglings were found.

Much accumulation of organic matter

has taken place from birds droppings and plant follage---the rich organic matter extends to depths of as much as 18

Yuro j-Aomurik-Aomen Islands
Yuroj, Aomurik and Aomen islands form a chain connected by
causeways on the north side of the atoll between Bikini and
Namu islands.
high seas.

They are very narrow and frequently inumdated by

Large coral slabs and bed rocks protrude through

the soil surface in many areas, especially on Aomen Island.
Aomurik and Yuroj to the west of Aomen are much higher and are

found with undulating sand dunes along their lengths.

several feet deep,


are scattered in several places on

these islands where low depressions exist;

reef fish of several

species are found living in them,
Sparse growths of Scaevola and Messerschmidia are found
throughout the island.

The destruction of concrete installations and the eroded
condition of the islands,

suggest that the nuclear explosions

were responsible for the denuding of the coconut groves and

surface soils.
One large concrete bullding is situated on the eastern tip

of Aomen Island; several concrete bunkers are located on Romurik
and Yuroj islands.


Select target paragraph3