


The Hazgistrate, and Scribe John Abrahaa also made it clear that while the

Village sites would be as indicated, all of the islands (and reefs) of ths

atoll would be used and exploited afterthe people have returned to


They also stated that the decision of settlenent vattern had been reached
by the community on Ujilang following a series of lengthy meetinzs.
i have sent several memoranda to you containinz additional pertinent
data, mostly regarding dietary patterns. ilave you received thea?

I ask that you include all] additional data in ny revised renort. Also I

Jack A.Tcbin

District Administrator, Marshalls
Comunity Develonnent urficer, ..arsnalls
District virector vublic Arrairs, iarshallis

Dr.parr «7

Attach: As stated

ee mee ee me tee

note that I have recreated tae sontence " 1t seems wnlikely that significant
contacts occurred before the nineteenth century." {lease renova this
sentence from the next to Last paragraph on page l of the revort. it is

Select target paragraph3