DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY Eo WASHINGTON, D.C, 20305 \ Aol La? BA 20 May 1981 - MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: On 9 FOR RECORD Medical Records/Notes-Rongerik April 1981, I had a call from Dr. town (353-3721). Dr. Maxwell is _ Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Test as a consultant’'to DOE. Personnel, 1954 Roy Maxwell, DOE-German- a former participant in the Program and currently serves One of his principal jobs is to review the historical volumes currently under production by DNA contractors as well as conduct some research in the DOE vault. Dr. Maxwell advised me that he had located some "original" medical records on several servicemen who were stationed on Rongerik in 1954, These records have been in the DOE vault for about | ten years. Location before that is unknown. He agreed to trans~ fer the records to DoD. I agreed to pick-up the records and to insure that these records are forwarded to the proper service for inclusion in the individual's historical file. On 4 May 81, I went to DOE-Germantown and received the records. The box contained approximately one cubic foot of documents including medical forms for some 29 servicemen and assorted other notes. All records had been classified SECRET at one time but had been downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL. On 4 May 81, I took the entire box to DNA/ISSO (Mr. Niles) for review and downgrading. When ZT received all pages (1 cy and transfer the the for record back from ISSQ I intend NTPR, 1 cy for ARACOR-Internal original to the appropriate « L. Service REESE Maj, USAF Action Officer NTPR CF: PRQE. ANTPR AFNTPR NNTPR MCNTPR FCNTPR . JAYCOR KAMAN TEMPO ARACOR J008 136 : ; to micro-film Dose Program) Program team.