exposed Rongelap people now living.

Of the 19 children in the more heavily

exposed group, who were exposed at less than 10 years of age, 17 or 90%
have developed thyroid abnormalities.

Thyroid surgery, previously carried

out in 11 cases had revealed benign adenomatous goiters in all but 1 case,
an exposed woman who had a cancer of the thyroid gland.

During the exam-

inations it was decided that 4 cases should be returned to Brookhaven
National Laboratory for complete studies and evaluation for the need for

Three were cases with thyroid nodules who had not responded

satisfaccorily to treatment and the fourth, a 29 year old woman with a
tumor lateral to the thyroid gland.

Arrangements were made with DISTAD

Marshalls to take these cases from Rongelap to Ebeye in May 1968 where
they would be outfitted with clothing.

The patients would be accompanied

by a technician from Majuro, who speaks English and Marshallese fluently.

He will stay with these people in the United States and return with them

The present status of the thyroid abnormalities are summarized in

the accompanying Tables I and II.
Failure of People to Take Thyroid Treatment Satisfactorily.
1967 survey, based on blood samples returned for study,

Following the

it became apparent

that many of the people have not been taking their thyroid medication properly
since’they showed a thyroid deficiency.

The thyroid tablets if taken regularly

will maintain normal thyroid hormone levels.

It is most important that these

children take their medication regularly, particularly the surgical cases,
since they need the hormone to develop properly and remain healthy.


during the survey every effort was made to correct this serious situation.
strict treatment schedule is to be carried out.


Instead of daily medication,

Select target paragraph3