The 1968 Annual Medical Survey of the Rongelap People Exposed to Fallout in 1954
Interim Report

The 1968 annual medical survey of the Rongelap people who had
been exposed to fallout radiation in 1954 was carried out in March 14

years after exposure.

Since this an "off year survey" only the exposed

Rongelap people were given complete examinations.

However any unexposed

Rongelap people who had complaints were examined and treated.
inations were carried out at Rongelap, Ebeye, and Majuro.
6 of the exposed people were examined

not readily accessible.

The exam-

All but about

They were on outlying atolls and

Utirik atoll was also briefly visited for the

purpose of a thyroid check of the people there

A number of Utirik people

had received a slight exposure to fallout in the 1954 accident.
The medical team consisted of 1 practitioner,

1 photographer,

and 2 technicians from the Trust Territory, and 4 doctors and 2 technicians
from the United States

Transportation from Kwajalein to Rongelap, Utirik

and back to Kwajalein was via the Ralik Ratak, a cargo ship run by a local
trading company.

The ship proved very unsatisfactory for transportation

of personnel since it was overcrowded, unclean and with no adequate accommo-

dations for the team.

Moreover many of the group became seasick.


and loading of survey equipment was handled reasonably well by the ship.


trip to Majuro was made from Kwajalein by plane.
Interval Health Status.

Interrogation of the health aide and examination

of medical records indicated that during the past year the Rongelap people
had been generally in good health.

There were no major epidemics of disease

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