_~-pee ep advice on whether or not the Bikini people should return to live on Eneu Island. Predicted doses, expressed as the highest ennual whole body and bone warrow doses for individuals and 30-year whole body doses tor the population, from eli cantributing radionuclides, wil] be evaluated using current radiation As at Enewetak, 'O percent of annual and CO percent standards. of 30-year standards will be used in evaluating resettlement options. Doses from transuranium elerents will be compared with the 1 mRad/yr to lung and 3 mRad/yr to bone as presentcd in If the radiological data base is EPA's proposed guidelines. adequate it would be most heipful to have dose estimates for the three options listed below. Among these, results for option I are essential to providing additional advice to Dol. Therefore option I should be given highest pricrity. I. Live on Eneu Island - all food grown on Fneu plus fish. fren lagoon: a. plus imported food